No Gap:
When there is no difference between the fee payable and what Medicare reimburses to the patient – regardless of whether they have private health cover or not. The account is submitted directly to the health fund and informed financial consent is not required.
Practitioners may choose to register with individual health funds for ‘known gap’ or ‘no gap’ schemes. Registered Gap Scheme Providers receive well above the MBS fee without the patient being charged a gap. Different health funds pay different rates, usually between 20% and 50% above the scheduled fee. Such schemes include HBA Eziclaim and Medibank Gapcover.
Known Gap:
In the case of known gap accounts we recommend the patient pre-pays the known gap before their procedure. This reduces instances of bad debts.
It is up to the practitioner to ensure that the patient knows about costs payable. Where possible, patients should sign an acceptance form prior to the procedure. Informed Financial Consent forms can be downloaded from the Registration Page.
For known gap accounts, two accounts are processed. We send one account directly to the patient for any out of pocket expenses that are payable and one to the health fund.
Please be aware that not all health funds offer a Known Gap for Assistant Surgeons or Anaesthetists. The list of private health funds that don’t offer a known gap includes: NIB, MBF Alliance, MBF, HCF and HBA.
Bulk Billed
Direct Patient Account:
The account is sent directly to the patient and the patient gets a receipt which they take to Medicare. This method is for those patients who aren’t registered with a private health fund. In this case informed patient consent is necessary.
Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA):
Authorisation to provide care for DVA patients must be obtained from your State DVA office. You will be required to state in writing your intention to commence private practice as a specialist and you’ll need to provide all relevant details for inclusion on their database. This must be done prior to the commencement of treatment.
The DVA reimburses 100% of Medicare Benefits Schedule for standard providers. A higher percentage is reimbursed for ‘no gap’ providers.
Gold Card Holders
DVA patients with gold card entitlements can be treated in public or private system. You will be paid the scheduled fee.
White Card Holders
DVA patients with white cards are entitled to specific treatment only. You will need to check this before the consultation.
The standard agreement is for the scheduled fee to be charged for in-patient and out-patient treatment for veterans.
Note: Veterans must have prior approval from DVA under the private patient scheme before admission to private hospitals for surgery or treatment.
When submitting a WorkCover claim an ABN is required. When you treat WorkCover patients you may be paid the AMA fee in some states, but these bodies each have their own fee structure.